

Flea Market Finds

If you have not already been made aware: I, Katie Claire Newton, am a collector. A collector of anything really. Well, almost. Anyway, Katie B. and I went out this past Saturday in search of Abilene's hidden treasures, and I am so pleased with the things I discovered!

A metal, lace picture frame, which will be used as a jewelry display. (More on that idea later.) Two jars of buttons; one collection of blues and greens, and the other of yellows and oranges. A folding wooden ruler. A bag full of foreign and domestic vintage stamps. A brown vintage purse, for 79 cents. A floral handkerchief from Paris; atleast that's what it says on the tag. And, a vintage red suitcase. The suitcase is in perfect condition, and it cost a mere $2.71. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

Buttons. I've collected them since I was in tenth grade, and I still don't seem to have enough. If you have any that you would like to get rid of, I'd be more than happy to take them off your hands. smile

Last but not least, stamps. I've never bought vintage stamps before, usually because they are not listed at the thrifty prices I like. But I bit the bullet and bought these, and paid a mere buck twenty-five for them. Ones from Hong Kong, New Zealand, Israel, Kenya. For the U.S., Girl Scouts of America, Peace Corps, Wildlife Conservation, Tom Sawyer, and tons of Presidential, Christmas, and Artist themed ones. Not quite sure what I'm going to do with all of them. Any ideas?

Hope you had a lovely Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Katie, how I WISH I could have been there!! I always enjoyed thrifting with you guys in Abilene! You can find such GOOD, CHEAP stuff there! Houston thrifting (especially where we live) is not exactly cheap (boo.) You have inspired me to go looking again, soon!

    Love you, girl.

