

It tastes like sugar.

Heath and I had a morning date today. We explored the Portland State Farmer's Market, which is the largest and most diversified one we've found so far. If nothing else, it's fun to walk around, take in all the wonderful smells of fresh food, and admire the lovely dahlias and sunflowers.

farmers market

Though many say the prices at farmers markets are unreasonable, I think it's well worth it to set aside $10 a week to spend. Here's a couple reasons why:
1. You support local farmers.
2. You get to take home amazing food, fresh and free from pesticides, which makes the tastes remarkably intense and juicy!
3. By supporting local farmers, you are taking away the control of superstores (aka Walmart) and regaining control in your community and the quality of the foods that you eat.

We purchased a pint of cherry tomatoes, strawberries, and blueberries, and 5 large red potatoes. We spent $9. Farmers market strawberries literally taste like sugar! MMMmmm, such a treat.

Heath recently finished reading Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food", and I hope to finish it soon. It's a book full of useful and challenging information on what we eat here in America. We highly recommend it. The Oscar nominated documentary Food, Inc. made me realize that I need to start paying more attention to the foods I choose to eat.

No, we don't buy everything organic and I certainly don't think that's necessary. Just thought I'd share some thoughts. If you ever visit us, we will definitely be taking you to the farmers market! I will be buying some flowers for your room, and you will be sampling the cherries, strawberries, peaches, cheeses, breads, and kettle corn. :)

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