

Well, hello there....

It is currently 10:40p.m. and 83 degrees in our house. Heath has been asleep for twenty minutes now (I know, he's aging fast). Oh, and did I mention our living room looks like this...

This is how it will look for the next month. I'm very grateful to have the extra bed, desk, and boxes for our new place, it's just a little in the way right now. oh well. Abilene's heat wave made my Gerber daisy's wilt a bit, and our kitchen feels like a sauna when I turn on the oven or stove top. Oh, the joys of the south. Heath and I also like to keep our electric bill low... 41 dollars to be exact.

I started and finished a project today, and I'm pretty pleased with the result. Remember the metal picture frame I purchased several weekends ago? Well, here it is, new and improved.

First, I removed the glass and frame backing. I purchased a roll of Fiberglass screening, similar to what you would use for a screen door. Then, I hot-glued the netting to the back of the frame. ta da! I appreciate this craft because it's useful and pretty!

I must admit, blogging has made me miss my Canon camera... a lot! Did you know my camera died? It was a very sad day. I've been scouting out my replacement camera, and would greatly benefit from your suggestions. Hope you are having a lovely week, friend.


  1. Katie Buckel13.5.10

    it turned out so well!! You have so many lovely earrings too, I'm glad they are on display in such a lovely fashion.

    When you need help packing, call me!

  2. So cute, Katie! I made one of these for my Momma last Mother's Day and she loves it!

    Your house sounds like mine! We live with it at about 80 degrees during the day, but Scott REFUSES to go to sleep with it that hot, so he turns on the AC (at night, ONLY! Haha)

    Love you!

  3. Jana Schofield14.5.10

    I love the earring display! I was thinking about making something almost exactly like that earlier this week! Now that I see how cute it can turn out, I may have to follow through with the idea. :)

    Hannah, Justin is the exact same way! Our house was NINETY degrees a couple of days ago, but we aren't home much during the day so we leave the AC off as much as we can. It always becomes a priority at night though, because he will not sleep if it's hot in the house!
